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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

HomeS.S. Meteor Project 2012

S.S. Meteor Preservation Project 2012




Lift to Aid in the Welding Repairs





Of The

S.S. Meteor!

GLSPS, (Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society),

WUAA, (Wisconsin Underwater Archeology Association),

LSMMA, (Lake Superior Maritime Museum Association),


(SPM), Superior Public Museums

We will be Sponsoring the "Eighth" Annual S.S. Meteor Preservation Project. Saturday and Sunday April 28 and 29, 2012

This is a very worthy cause and if we don't continue to preserve this one-of-a-kind Whale back ship, it could be lost forever!

Please join us in preserving one of the only "Whale back Ships" remaining in the world!

We are looking for a few good men and women to help stabilize and preserve the S.S. Meteor.

To learn More about the S.S. Meteor Preservation Project, the list of tasks needed to be completed or, look at the initial Website Announcement 

please click on the link button below.

2012 S.S. Meteor Preservation Project






S.S. Meteor Preservation 

Project 2012 Report






2012 S.S. Meteor Preservation Project Volunteers

Photo By Cindy Hilgen





S.S. Meteor Rudder Room

Photo by Pete McConnell





Jeff Lee Performing the Finishing Touch in the Rudder Room

Photo by Pete McConnell





Ellen Kramer - LSMMA Director, Phil Kerber - GLSPS President, and Sara Blanck - SPM Director




The Project started out Friday AM with the Craig David and his wife Kari  (don't forget about their son Gunner) started the project early by starting to weld in the old rust holes with new plating.  All donated by his family!  A head start on the project is always welcome.


Phil loaded many types of equipment used for the project at his Auto Repair Center in Corcoran MN. such as heaters, propane bottles, fans, extension cords, shop vacs, chain hoists, old cloths, protection equipment and finally the first aid equipment, which is always present at each and every GLSPS Project. 


We loaded other members Ken Knutson and Randy Baudler (A new Member and car pooled up to Superior Wisconsin.  Our final destination, the S.S.Meteor.  


When we arrived, we met with old friends of the Meteor to re-establish our special connection with all of them.       


As everyone that was participating in this project started to arrive we unloaded the equipment we brought up for the project.  We set it up and left for a final meeting about the project.


Later we met at the Barkers Island Inn for dinner.


The next morning we met at the Barkers Island Inn restaurant and had Breakfast.  We discussed the plans for the day.  We then proceed to the Meteor to present a briefing at 9:15 to all participants to assign them their duties for the day.


After a mad rush of making sure everyone had safety gear, clothing and supplies to perform their duties, it was clear sailing for the rest of the day.


At 12:00 Noon we we all took a break for lunch.  Lunch was supplied by Grandma's which is located in Canal Park, Duluth.  Thank you Eric from Grandma's!! 


Tasks that were completed:



1. The Gear / Rudder Room was mostly completed with it's final coat of white paint.

2. Measurements, wood and supplies were determined for the walkway.  They also got a good start on it.

3. All display cabinet glass was cleaned

4. Spider webs were vacuumed out of the display areas.

5. In the crews quarters, each cabin had dirt, debris and what ever collected in the drawers, closets and under the beds.  Most of this was vacuumed and cleaned.

6. Dick Giese cleaned and rust proofed the jacking gear then headed up to the ships bell to measure and calculated what would be needed to make the whistle work and blow efficiently again.  This project will continue from here.

7. All vent cover on top aft deck were repainted with another coat of red.






Five o'clock came and it was time to quit and prepare for the evening program at the Old Fire Station Museum.  There we eat dinner in a buffet style (great food supplied by the City of Superior).   Then we were blessed with Neil Zoss, Author of the book  "Whale back's of the Great Lakes" .  He gave a presentation about all the whale back ships and detailed information on each one of them.  Pretty amazing!  



We then broke at about 9:30 PM.  Some of us did more socializing at Barkers Inn and others went back to their hotels and places to sleep to get some shut eye before the long day on Sunday.



Sunday we continued to paint where we left off Saturday. 



1. The rudder room was completed by finishing applying the last coat of white paint.  Now the room looks like new and will be for many years. 

 2. The stairway across the front cargo hold was well on it;s way to be completed.  By the time 6:00 PM rolled around TOm Brueshaber and his team drove in the last nail and screws.  

 3. The aft upper deck railing was painted with gloss white paint.



All 25 of our assigned tasks were completed and the staff of the Superior Public Museums were very happy about what we all accomplished throughout the entire two to three days.  



The ship is looking ship-shape and is really ready for another season of tourism.  



If you are able to travel to Superior Wisconsin in the future, please take a moment to drop in and take the tour.  You will be amazed on what has been accomplished.



If you would like to see pictures of the project you can click on this link button.  S.S. Meteor Project 2012 

MORE TO COME!!!  Please check back later!



On behalf of the GLSPS, SPM, LSMMA and WUAA, we would like to sincerely thank all the volunteers and friends of the Meteor for helping make a difference in preserving maritime history.



Have a great year and we hope to see you on the next S.S. Meteor Preservation  Project April 27 - 28 2013.



Phil Kerber

GLSPS President

S.S. Meteor Project Chairman