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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

The GLSPS Just Completed the Final Project of the Year

Published on 9/19/2011
The GLSPS Just Completed the Final Project of the Year

Saturday and Sunday September 17 - 18, 2011, seven divers from the GLSPS membership performed several dives on the Thomas Wilson This project was the third annual and was very successful.  The biggest task that needed to be completed for this project was to count Zebra Mussels by strategically placing a round 2.5 ft hoop in certain assigned areas of the Shipwreck.  We then compared the data from previous years and presented it in a report on the GLSPS Website for all to see.  Some organizations and Schools are interested in what we found out, such as the DNR, MHS, and UMD.  Our research has provided much information and a greater understanding about the Zebra and Quagga Mussel infestation in the lower Lake Superior basin.  They are also very interested in how fast they are multiplying.  The reports will be presented on the GLSPS website soon.  As of this post, the report is not completed yet.  Please check back to the GLSPS website from time to time.

The Wilson is 1.5 miles North Northeast of the Duluth entrance / lift bridge.  The depth of these dives is about 50 to 70 FFW.  The last three years divers have notice an increase in the Zebra Mussels attaching themselves to the wreck.  The GLSPS decided to keep a close watch on this growing condition around and near the Harbor in Lake Superior.

If you would like to see the report you can log onto the website at and go to "Project Reports 2011" and read about the Thomas Wilson Project.  You don't need to be a member to read the reports.  However, like I've said in the past, we do encourage you to join the GLSPS as a member to receive more benefits from being a member.

Your comments are certainly welcome about the Thomas Wilson Project or any other project the Society sponsored and performed this year.  

I would like to thank all that volunteered in the planning and, the financial support of all the current members.

See you on next years GLSPS Projects.

Phil Kerber
GLSPS President
GLSPS Board of Directors