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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

2017 - Madeira/Hesper - Closing Report

Corey Daniel | Published on 7/23/2017
Closing Report:

The Madeira wreck has very subtle changes year to year. This year the project volunteers placed a stake into the lake bottom to measure movement of the pilot house. Measurements were taken and now can be compared year to year. No major changes in the wreck were noted but the ambition to document and map out more detailed information of the midsection has begun. The intention is to get a better picture or layout of the wreck along the cliff and rock slide in relation to the rest of the well known wreck pieces.

This year no time was spent on the Hesper wreck. The mooring buoy had broken loose in an earlier windy day and was wedged in the rocks of the break wall at the divers access. The buoy was recovered and a new line made. It was installed on Sunday, making changes in its securement to insure it's longevity. By the time that was done the wind had picked up and the second crew were unable to get a dive in. Typically the wreck has shown little change year to year as it is more protected now where it lies.

I want to thank Tim Pranke for his vast knowledge of ships and wreck history, and boat operating skills. Tom Peterson for his diving tasks assistance and photography. Newcomer Kevin Winters for his time, input and enthusiasm, hope to see him on more projects. I would say another good dive weekend was had by all and I appreciate everyone's time and hard work.