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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

2022 - Fun Dives 1 - Closing Report

Published on 7/15/2019
Closing Report:

The 1st "Fun Dives on the RV Preservation Research Vessel"  was almost canceled this year.  We only had three people on this project.  One was the Captain, Phil Kerber, Project Leader, Jack Decker and a Star and Tribune Photographer named Anthony. 

It was sort of a nice dive with only three people but it was sad at the same time.  As many of the GLSPS members that don't own their own boats we are always amazed that no one is joining us on these projects.  Yet, the shore at the Madeira was full of divers that must like to swim out to the shipwreck and back.  I know all shipwreck divers should experience the long swim associated with the Madeira but, if the RV Preservation research vessel is available for all members to enjoy, we find it hard to imagine why more don't join us? 

If you are at all interested in joining us on a Fun Dive or any project or program on-board the RV Preservation, please don't ever hesitate to participate and enjoy the benefit of being part owner of the boat. 

We only went out to dive Saturday and made four dives.  Two on the Madeira and two on the Hesper.  The Star and Tribune Photographer Anthony Souffle was able to shoot hundreds of above and below photos of the shipwrecks and the event on-board.  Here is the link to the photos fro Anthony Souffle from the Star and Tribune. 

Star Tribune Photos of Fun Dives - Anthony Souffle

Lake Superior's Deepest Lost Shipwrecks - Jenna Ross

We returned to the Silver Bay Marina about 8:00 PM.  We unloaded and headed for home.  Although Phil K stayed overnight to go back Sunday morning as he had to perform software updates to the two Garmin displays we have on the boat.  He also performed some other minor repairs on the boat that needed attention.

The event was very relaxing and it was so awesome to get the chance to be part of a story the Minneapolis Star and Tribune are writing for us.