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 Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society

Dedicated to Preserving our Shipwrecks and Maritime History
"From Prevention to Preservation"

News Stories

2023 Upper Midwest Scuba and Adventure Travel Show - Another Success

Phil Kerber | Published on 4/2/2023

The 2023 Upper Midwest Scuba and Adventure Show was another Success.  You can check out the website at for detailed information about the show.

Those of you that follow the GLSPS Annual Show called the UMSAT Show, know that it is always something to see.  Regardless of how big or small it is, the GLSPS and UMSAT Show Committee do their best to present an awesome show.

The Exhibitors at the show were very happy as they had many people stop by their booths.  They had a plethora of information about their businesses, dive equipment and Travel opportunities.  They were very eager to chat and to offer a great deal during the show or certainly a deal on equipment or travel destination in the future. 

The Awards Luncheon was a big success as we filled the room with attendees to help present and celebrate the one Award recipient of the "GLSPS Appreciation Award",  Mr. Robert Nelson.  "Bob" has been an active member of the GLSPS and the UMSAT Show Planning Committee for over 20 years.  The GLSPS Board of Directors thought it would be a great way to thank Bob for all the years he volunteered for the GLSPS and UMSAT Show!  He has now retired from the Board of Directors and is enjoying much more time on his second love, the art of fishing.  He is always on a fishing mission.  Thank you again Bob, for all the volunteer time towards the GLSPS goals and ideals.

The food and catering wasn't so great as we could only have Pizza, salad and chicken wings.  The food was so expensive at the venue we had no choice to pick a cheaper food choice.  This made it much harder to sell a Lunch ticket.  So this year to help with this issue we were forced to make the hard decision on combining the show and lunch tickets together.  We had a few people that were concerned but most say that it was noble decision to raise the pricing, as most thought the show we present is way under priced.

We had very high reviews on the speakers this year.  They all did an amazing job with their presentations and the audience thought their talks were awesome. 

Here was the lineup of speaker for the 2023 UMSAT Show:

1. Brendon Baillod - Shipwrecks of the Keweenaw Waterway and at the Awards Luncheon - Revisiting the Bannockburn Lake Superior's Flying Dutchman. 
2. Michael Raymond - Cave Diving in Minnesota
3. Andrew Goodman - Immerse yourself in 3DShipwrecks
4. Jeff LeMoine - Live-aboard Life and Diving in the Maldives
5. Amy Rosebrough - Hickory Dickory Dock - The Ghost Ports of Lake Michigan

To make a attempt to cut expenses, we had to locate mostly local speakers.  The dive community stepped up to the challenge and volunteered to present us with their passions of diving, shipwrecks and adventure travel.    We still had to bring in a Featured Speaker this year and that was Brendon Baillod.  He did a super job on all his presentations!  He gave us three presentations this year.  Thank you Brendon Baillod for your time and support to Preservation Maritime History. 

A special shout out to the Sponsors of the 2023 UMSAT Show this Year. 

1. Aquaventure Dive and Photo Center
2. Air Down Their Scuba
3. Scuba Center
4. St. Croix Scuba
5. Midwest School of Diving
6. Dale Studios

We really appreciate all the Sponsors this year and if you have a need for any of their services, please go to the GLSPS and or the UMSAT Show Websites and click on their logo to view their websites. 

Thank you to all that served on the Planning Committee and those that helped during the day of the show. A warm hearted special thank you to the UMSAT Show Chairperson, Mary Lillemo.  Without her special Leadership Skills the show would not go on.

We all had a great time at the show and for whatever participation level you were at.  The show metrics indicated that we were in the black so we didn't loose any money at least.  What profit we made will still need to be determined.  We topped off the end of the show with an afterglow or meet and greet party.  Most of the speakers, staff of the GLSPS, Exhibitors, and Sponsors were there.  It was a great way to finish off another great show!

So please do not hesitate to watch the GLSPS website for the next UMSAT Show Date in 2024.  We will display it on the GLSPS website on the front page.  Then mark your calendars so you don't miss this great show in 2024.  (Place the show dates on your cell phone calendars so it will automatically remind you).

Thank you to those that joined us for the 2023 UMSAT.  We hope to see you again next year.  Don't forget and tell all your family, friends and associates. 

Phil Kerber
GLSPS President
UMSAT Show Committee